- Are you constantly and obsesively in fear of contamination from germs, dirt, poisons, and other physical and environmental substances?
- Are you scared of harm from illness, accidents or death that may occur to oneself or to others. This may include an excessive sense of responsibility for preventing this harm?
- Do you experience intrusive thoughts and images about sex, violence, accidents and other issues?
- Do you feel like you have to perform certain behaviour to prevent harm for yourself or others, or something bad to happen?
- Do you present excessive concern with symmetry, exactness and orderliness or, excessive concerns about illness, religious issues or morality?
- Are you preoccupied of needing to know and remember things constantly?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an anxiety disorder that impacts around two to three percent of the population, equating to over 500,000 individuals in Australia. Typically, it emerges during late childhood or early adolescence. Those affected by OCD endure persistent, intrusive, and unwanted thoughts, images, or impulses known as obsessions. Moreover, they engage in repetitive and ritualistic behaviors that are excessive, time-consuming, and distressing, termed compulsions. Despite recognizing the irrationality and excessiveness of these obsessions and compulsions, individuals with OCD find it challenging to exert control over them or resist the urge to carry them out.
According to the DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Version) the diagnostic criteria for OCD is:
1. Presence of Obesions, Compulsions or both, being:
Obsesions: Recurrent and persistent thoughts or impulses that cause anxiety or distress. The attends to ignore the thoughts are replacing them with other thoughts, or recurring to compulsions.
Compulsions: Repetitive behaivour driven to perform in response to obsession.
2. These obsesions and compulsions are time consuming.
3. It is not related to substance use (alcohol, drugs).

Together we will find the way to help you
- Call us: 0451344805
- +61451344805
- [email protected]
- ps_constanza
- 410/251 Oxford Street, Bondi Junction, 2022